My Account – you can use My Account on the Council website to report local issues, pay council tax, report missed bins and more.
MyCroydon app - if you have a smartphone or tablet, download the Don't Mess with Croydon app to report a number of issues directly into the council’s computerised systems, helping to speed up the processing time for dealing with it.
Email Updates: Croydon Council have introduced Email Updates which will be sent to residents who provide their e-mail address by completing the form on their website.
All newsletters
Your Croydon
Stronger communities
Crime and safety news
Resident involvement
Youth Council
Bulky Waste collection:
The collection service operates all year round and costs:
£39 for 1 to 3 items
£63 for 4 to 6 items
Telephone Croydon Council on 020 8726 6200 to arrange a date and time or see website .
Garden waste: Details of the Garden Waste collection service can be found here.
​Reporting Problems: You can report anything from abandoned cars and noise nuisance to graffiti. If you have a Smartphone or tablet, you might like to download the My Croydon app which enables you to access many services including reporting problems.
Contact your local councillors direct: Your local Conservative Councillors, Margaret Bird and Steve Hollands hold a surgery on the last Saturday of every month (except August and December) between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon in the Guide Hut at the rear of the shops on Tudor Parade. You can contact them as follows:
Margaret Bird or phone 020 8604 7035 / 01737 555573 / 07710 184942
Nikhil Sherine Thampi or phone 07716 092479
Libraries: There's more to the library these days than just books. They have free computer access, videos and DVD's for hire from £1.00 to £3.00 for a week at a time, a Reading Group and lots of activities for babies and young children. For those who are partially sighted there are books in Large Print, on Audio Cassettes and CD’s. Your nearest local library is in Bradmore Way, next to Coulsdon C of E School. There is also Coulsdon Library on the main Brighton Road in Coulsdon.
Did you know that you can renew your library books online? Just follow the link from this page.
Did you know that you can search the Croydon Libraries Catalogue online?