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You can report problems with the following to the Council by either using the Don't Mess with Croydon app (you can download the Don’t Mess With Croydon App – using the App Store on your smart phone) or via their website:


  • Abandoned vehicle

  • Blocked drains and gullies

  • Dead animal

  • Dog fouling

  • Empty properties

  • Fly-tipping

  • Front garden waste

  • Graffiti

  • Illegal campsite

  • Illegal street trading

  • Noise

  • Pavement defects

  • Potholes and road defects

  • Skip issue

  • Street furniture issue

  • Tree or hedge obstruction


Contact your local councillors and MP direct: To make your voice heard where it counts you can contact your local councillors. If you would like to contact Chris Philp MP you can write to him at the House of Commons, Westminster SW1A 0AA. Tel: 020 7219 6392. The local Conservative Party Office is at 36 Brighton Road, Purley CR8 2LG. Tel: 020 8660 0491. You can also email him at He has his own website


Buses: If you have a problem or suggestion about one of our London buses, or a bus stop (bad driving, cancellation, vandalism etc.) you can report it by phoning 0845 300 7000 or by completing the on line form here. Please state the route, time and running number or registration number of the bus. If your report is about a shelter, quote the name of the stop (they all have one now and it is on the bus stop post).


Have you seen something suspicious? If you see a crime being committed ring 999 immediately. Has a crime been committed against you, but you are no longer in any danger? Then contact the Police on 101. Alternatively, you can also report non-urgent, minor crime online. If you have a general comment to make about crime in our area, or would like any advice, please contact our Coulsdon East Safer Neighbourhoods Team on 020 8721 2059 or 07843 291139. If you have information about a crime, but wish to remain anonymous call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. For crime prevention tips and advice click here.


Problems and faults on Farthing Down, Happy Valley and Coulsdon Common: The City of London have their own website where you can report problems and faults online. You can also find out what is happening on the commons, download the latest copy of their newsletter and what events are being held, and print out a site map from their new leaflet range.

Reporting Problems: About



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